Your sponsorship of a child supports a program benefitting over 500 children by providing education, uniforms and shoes, medical care, meals at school and the opportunity to learn about God's love through His son, Jesus. Funds are not given directly to a child or the parent, but are part of a program budget which supports the needs of all the sponsored children. This enables us to expect strict financial accountability for our program and to ensure that special needs of specific children (emergency medical, family crises) are taken care of. If you have any other questions about sponsorship, please visit this FAQ page.
Days Waiting: 1541
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 1541
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 148
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 1540
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 917
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 917
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 1540
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 148
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 917
Sponsor Now
Days Waiting: 913
Sponsor Now